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Scroll down to read the history and description of the ICSP Conferences.
The ISCSP came into being through the magnificent efforts of Dr. A. Niku-Lari. With support from France's Centre Technique des Industries Mécaniques (CETIM) he toured many countries drumming up support for the concept of International Conferences on Shot Peening. An International Scientific Committee (I.S.C.) was created (with thirteen members from seven countries) to give support and authority to Dr. Niku-Lari in setting up the First International Conference on Shot Peening (ICSP1). The I.S.C. held meetings in Las Vegas (U.S.A. 29.2.1980) and in Senlis (France 24.11.1980) prior to ICSP1. With CETIM as the main organizing body and Dr. Niku-Lari as Conference Chairman ICSP1 was held in Paris, September 14-17, 1981. More than seven hundred delegates attended that highly successful conference which had seventy-nine papers accepted. Dr. Niku-Lari edited the published conference proceedings (which notes the contributions made by some eighteen sponsors). An enlarged I.S.C. met during the conference and formally adopted a Constitution, ratified its membership, appointed Dr. Niku-Lari as Chairman and modified its title to the International Scientific Committee on Shot Peening (ISCSP). A feature of the Constitution was that, in order to avoid conflicts of interest, the Committee was to have a majority of academic members. The precedent was set of arranging the venue and organization of the next ICSP that was to be held in three years time. Hence ICSP2 was arranged for Chicago with the American Shot Peening Society and CETIM as organizing bodies and with G. P. Balcar (U.S.A.) as General Chairman and Prof. H. Fuchs (Stanford University, U.S.A.) as Honorary Chairman. For ICSP2 , 14-17 May, 1984, the Committee had grown slightly to fifteen members from six countries. Major sponsorship was provided by the American Shot Peening Society (President Dr. G. Nachman) and co-sponsorship provided by the Society of Automotive Engineers (U.S.A.), Society of Experimental Stress Analysis (U.S.A.), American Society of Metals (U.S.A.), Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Germany), British Impact treatment Association (U.K.), Impact Treatment Institute International (France) and the Japanese Society for Mechanical Engineering. (Japan). Some fifty-nine papers were selected for ISCP2 by a sub-committee of the ISCSP. Conference Proceedings were edited by Prof. H. Fuchs. Following established precedent the Committee had its formal meeting during the conference and agreed that ICSP3 should be held in (West) Germany with organization by Deutshe Gessellschaft für Metallkunde (DGM) and with Prof. H. Wohlfahrt, Universität- GH Kassel (FRG) as Conference Chairman. ICSP3 was held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) in September, 1987. The delightful mountain scenery added to the enjoyment of our third conference. Some seventy-six papers were accepted and published in the Conference Proceedings edited by Profs. H. Wohlfahrt, R. Kopp and O. Vöhringer. With Prof. Wohlfahrt as Chairman the ISCSP had doubled its membership to thirty representing the countries. The formal Committee Meeting accepted the offer for ISCSP4 to be held in Tokyo, Japan, in 1990 with Prof. Kisuke IIda of Meiji University as Conference Chairman and organization by the Japan Society of Precision Engineering (JSPE). ICSP4 , Tokyo October 1990, was again a highly successful conference. Some sixty-seven papers were accepted and published in the Conference Proceedings edited by Prof. IIda. The International Scientific Committee on Shot Peening had twenty-nine members at this stage representing ten countries but at its meeting no proposals for ICSP5 were tabled. Following a number of inter-continental telephone calls Dr. D. Kirk, Coventry University, U.K. agreed to organize ICSP5 in the U.K. during 1993 with support from Coventry University. ICSP5 was held in Oxford, U.K. from 13-17 September 1993. Delegates were housed in the student rooms of Christ Church, Oxford University on a 'full-board' basis with the intention that this would facilitate social contact. Papers and exhibitions were held in the university's Catholic Chaplaincy complex adjacent to Christ Church. Only the forty-one papers actually presented at the conference were published in the Proceedings - edited by Dr. D. Kirk, Coventry University. The Committee, having grown slightly to thirty-one members representing eleven countries, agreed to a proposal from Mr. J. Champaigne that ICSP6 should be held in San Francisco in 1996. Chairmanship of the International Scientific Committee on Shot Peening was relinquished by Prof. Wohlfahrt and taken on by Dr. D. Kirk. ICSP6 was held in San Francisco, California, U.S.A. at the Fairmont Hotel, atop Nob Hill, 2-5 September in 1996 with J. Champaigne as Chairman of the Organizing Committee and editor of the Conference Proceedings. Those Proceedings, containing fifty-five accepted papers, were edited by Jack Champaigne. Again an Organizing Committee and a range of sponsors and benefactors were involved - as detailed in the Proceedings of ICSP6. ISCSP membership had been reduced to sixteen active members representing seven countries. Committee membership has no time limit but after fifteen years a substantial proportion of members had moved into other fields of interest. Several new members were appointed at the Committee's Conference Meeting. Of three proposals for hosting ICSP7 that from Prof. A. Nakonieczny was accepted. ICSP7 was agreed to be held in Warsaw, Poland, with Prof. A. Nakonieczny as Conference Chairman and the Institute of Precision Mechanics as Organizers. ICSP7 was held in the world-famous Palace of Culture in Warsaw, September 28 - October 1 1999. The Conference Proceedings, edited by Prof. Nakonieczny, contain the fifty-eight papers accepted prior to the conference. As with all of the Conferences delegates were able to renew acquaintances, make new contacts and savour the technical developments in shot peening presented at the adjoining Trade Exhibition. Committee membership had been boosted to twenty-nine active members, eighteen from academia and eleven from industry, representing eight countries. Several venues had been submitted for ICSP8. Germany (Munich) was selected after a poll of members. Prof. Wagner (Technical University of Brandenburg, Cottbus, Germany) agreed to be the Organising Chairman for ICSP8 to be held in Munich, Germany, in September 2002, having previously obtained the support of DGM. ICSP8 was held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) 16-20 September 2002 with more than 200 participants from 28 countries. The Conference Proceedings, edited by Prof. L. Wagner, contain the seventy-one papers accepted for publication and are available at Wiley-VCH (L. Wagner (ed.), Shot Peening, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2003, ISBN 3-527-30537-8). Chairmanship of the ISCSP was relinquished by Dr. Kirk and taken on by Dr. V. Schulze of the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) with Prof. L. Wagner of the Technical University of Clausthal (Germany) serving as Vice-Chairman. Several venues had been submitted for ICSP9. France was selected after a poll of members. ICSP9 will be held in September of 2005 in Paris. Dr. A. Niku-Lari who had already organized successfully ICSP1 in 1981 will be in charge of the technical organization of ICSP9. Being asked by Dr. Niku-Lari to assist him in organizing ICSP9, Dr. Schulze agreed to give the necessary scientific as well as technical support. ICSP9 was held in Marne la Vallée (France) 6 - 9 September 2005 with more than 150 participants from a large number of countries. The Conference Proceedings, edited by PD Dr. V. Schulze and Dr. A. Niku-Lari, contain the seventy-three papers accepted for publication and are available at iitt (V. Schulze, A. Niku-Lari (eds.), Shot Peening and other Mechanical Surface Treatments, iitt, Marne la Vallée, France, 2005, ISBN 2-907669-37-0). Specific topics highlighted at ICSP9 were alternative Surface Treatments and the Simulation of Mechanical Surface Treatments. Chairmanship of the ISCSP was given to Prof. K. Tosha of Meiji University in Tokyo (Japan) with PD Dr. V. Schulze of the University of Karlsruhe (Germany) serving as Vice-Chairman. Meiji University was selected for the organisation of ICSP10 to be held in September 2008. ICSP10 was held in Tokyo, Japan at Meiji University Academy Common. Prof. Katsuji Tosha of Meiji University was Chairman of the conference with Dr. Yoshihiro Watanabe (Toyo Seiko Co., Ltd.) acting as conference secretary. Index of papers and links to papers in pdf format.